July 9, 2024

In the first six months of 2024, a total of 100 cats have found homes through the cat assistance center “REMI” at the “Cat Heart” shelter! Out there, there are 100 happy hearts—one hundred cats and one hundred families.

The cat assistance center “REMI” is a place where new stories are created. Since the establishment of “Cat Heart,” shelter manager Laura Podzuka, along with her team, the Cat Assistance Center “REMI,” the project supporter LNK Charity Fund, LNK Industries, doctors, dedicated volunteers, cat lovers, and our cat families—both new and old—have all contributed to this success.

Laura is convinced that “Cat Heart” is a place to meet each other for life, to become friends and family, and to remind us all of the fragility of life, the importance of time, and the value of compassion. It teaches us to see and empathize with what is happening around us and emphasizes how strong we can be together.

The Cat Assistance Center “REMI,” which encompasses “Cat Heart,” is where cats and people meet—a place named in honor of a brave red tomcat who fought for his life until his last breath and will forever remain a part of our hearts, each time the name “Remi, Remi, Remi” echoes.

Laura ir pārliecināta, ka “Kaķa sirds” ir vieta, kur satikt viens otru uz mūžu un kļūt par draugiem un ģimeni, citi – lai ienāktu viens otra dzīvē vien uz īsu brīdi, lai iemācītu un atgādinātu par to, cik trausla ir dzīvība, cik nozīmīgs ir laiks, cik svarīga ir līdzcietība un spēja redzēt un just līdzi tam, kas notiek apkārt, cik stipri mēs varam būt kopā esot.


Kaķu palīdzības centrs “REMI”, kura paspārnē pukst “Kaķa sirds”, ir vieta, kur satiekas kaķi un cilvēki. Vieta, kas nosaukta par godu kādam drosmīgam rudam runcim, kurš līdz pēdējam elpas vilcienam cīnījās par savu dzīvību un vienmēr paliks daļiņā mūsu sirds, ik reizi izskanot vārdam “Remi, Remi, Remi”.