The LNK Charity Fund, in collaboration with AS “LNK Industries,” is implementing the charity project “Easier Together” – providing practical support to our fellow citizens by gifting and delivering food packages filled with essential daily products each month. These individuals live on very limited resources and dedicate their free time to charity, helping others and fostering the development of local communities.

Among these recipients are now 20 football veterans who have devoted their entire lives to the sport. It is very important for us not only to support the development of football in Latvia but also to assist those who, after ending their active sports careers, continue to promote the sport with heart and soul in various ways. Therefore, we are pleased about the collaboration established within the “Easier Together” project with the “Latvian Football Federation” and “DHL Express Latvia,” which will deliver food packages to the football veterans this September.

Tagad starp viņiem ir arī 20 futbola veterāni, kuri visu savu dzīvi ir veltījuši futbolam. Mums ir ļoti svarīgi ne tikai atbalstīt futbola attīstību Latvijā, bet arī palīdzēt tiem, kuri, beidzot aktīvās sportista gaitas, joprojām ar sirdi un dvēseli dažādos veidos iesaistās tā popularizēšanā. Tāpēc esam gandarīti par projekta “Kopā vieglāk” ietvaros izveidoto sadarbību ar “Latvijas Futbola federāciju” un “DHL Express Latvia”, kas pārtikas pakas futbola veterāniem piegādās jau septembrī.