“Cat’s Heart” is a place where cats and people meet, where new stories are born. We celebrate the 2nd birthday of “Cat’s Heart” and rejoice in what has been accomplished together and what is yet to come! Heartfelt congratulations to the team at the “Cat Assistance Center ‘REMI’,” the volunteers, the cat cuddlers, and the cat families!

We are truly happy that the support from the fund helps create lifelong connections between cats and people at “Cat’s Heart,” fostering friendships and family bonds, as well as teaching and reminding us all of the importance of compassion!

“Cat’s Heart,” located in Pārdaugava at 10 Kauguru Street, was opened in the fall of 2022 with the support of the fund. Here, a shelter and veterinary clinic are combined in one building. The project was implemented in collaboration between the “LNK Charity Fund” and the volunteer organization “Cat Assistance Center ‘Remi.’”

“Kaķa sirds”, kas atrodas Pārdaugavā, Kauguru ielā 10, ar fonda atbalstu tika atklāta 2022. gada rudenī. Šeit vienā ēkā ir apvienota patversme un veterinārā klīnika. Projekts ir realizēts sadarbībā starp “LNK Labdarības fondu” un kaķu glābšanas brīvprātīgo organizāciju “Kaķu palīdzības centrs “Remi””.